Russell's computer help desk.

I am a rare computer geek who has the patience to show you what I'm doing as I do it, as well as walk you through how to do it yourself.

For better or for worse, computers have taken over the world. Which is why I consider it a human right to understand how they work, how to fix them, and in what ways they can and will fail you (as in the case of computer viruses and surveillance).

Too often areas of expertise are gaurded, in an effort to gaurd our own job opportunities, and to keep our customers dependant on us. But the time for exploiting each other is over. This shouldn't be considered a business opportunity to exploit those who are being left behind, but an opportunity to unite humanity in the face of inhuman adversity.

The more humans understand how technology works, the more humans will play a role in shaping that technology, and the more humane that technology will become. Which is why I offer these services free of charge.

You can contact me at

Donations accepted, but not expected.


In the digital age, a democratic world can only be preserved if everyone has the opportunity to understand the technologies we are using. We are certainly being shaped by our technology, therefore if you aren't playing a role in shaping technology, you have already succumb to a digital tyranny beyond your comprehension. But by returning that understanding to people, and recreating vast human networks in which technological prowess is used to preserve human sanity and well-being rather than exploit it for profit, we still have a chance to sculpt the digital age into some sort of utopian paradise in which technological participation is a welcome choice rather than a reluctant necessity.

As our increasingly fast-paced technological world seems to be taking on a life of it's own, all too often amplifying the very worst aspects of human nature, we are coming to a point where things which we currently value very highly (like money) are rapidly becoming obsolete. As we become immersed by the rising tides of this digital ocean, the most valuable currency will be our ability to get along, communicate effectively, and help each other survive. It is time to cultivate love without limits, to nurture a fraternal bond that extends to all of humanity, and to build networks that are boundless.

Let's not get lost in all the flowery language. Boundaries are necessary, at times, to insulate and protect ourselves emotionally and physically, so that we can continue to function. But to that end these boundaries should not be made only to increase the well-being of the self, but to tend to our highest calling to increase the well-being of all, and to heal and preserve that sacred universal human bond.

My focus is to educate you, rather than exploit you, and to show my good will I won't charge you anything.
Chances are I'll learn something from you, too, anyways.

Donations accepted, but not expected.

Something Wrong?

Is your computer going slow?
Is your computer confusing you?
Are you having trouble finding your downloads?

The most common problems of computers can be hard to solve, because while there are many highly trained IT professionals, such problems are often too simple for them to bother with. Or they just fix it for you, and don't show you what they did, or take the time to explain what went wrong.

I take a more personal approach, speaking with you to understand exactly what you're having trouble with, and working with you to find the best solution for you. In some cases I'll also help you increase accessibility and ease of use of your own computer by showing you better user techniques and helping you set up a better organizational system so that you can better navigate these types of issues on your own in the future.

Basic Computer Help

I help people who are new to computers learn how to use them in an effective and efficient way.

That includes:

Search Engine Skillz

Search engine skills have practically become a lost art. Where once we used all sorts of techniques to more accurately find what we're looking for, as search engines seemed to get better at delivering accurate results, we became complacent. We started trusting too heavily in the abilities of our search engines, and stopped digging deeper.

In the meantime, business interests and government influence has crept in and started to increasingly manipulate search engine results. In some cases, as in the case of Google, the functionality to search more accurate results was actually removed.

Linux Walkthrough

Power User Tutorial

Special Deals

If you're homeless, I'll make you a website for free.
But keep it simple!