Russell's writing.

I have written a lot of things over the years. But a lot of it has been lost to the sands of time, or was released anonymously so that I could never get credit for it. Now I'm trying to collect some stuff I've written into one place, for whoever is curious to read it. I've learned that, in a world of hungry egos, releasing all your writing anonymously means it's difficult to gain traction in putting your theory into practice, because you're busy dodging the fact that those are your theories...

However, I won't regret releasing things anonymously, either. Although it can make it difficult or impossible to relate to your ideas irl without revealing your identity, and although the whole concept of releasing things anonymously will be dashed by my attempt to now collect all that writing into one place under my irl handle, it still makes the point of solidarity with all people when you release writing without identity. I will probably continue to do both.

I welcome you to direct any praise, critique, or conversation to


What is Skynet?

This will explain a more holistic explanation of what Skynet really represents, the how and why Skynet has already begun taking over, what that means for humanity, and what we can do about it.

The Power of Assumption

A perspective on how words shape our universe, how confidence in those words determine how powerfully they shape our universe. This will be more of a critique on the glitches in this human system of communication, while also acknowledging that the way it works is beautiful and magical in it's own right.

Through the Looking Glass: Making Websites

Talks about "A/B testing", and a million other ways that websites are shaped and molded by how they are used, and ultimately shape and mold the users.